Giordano Tintori: from Gazzaniga (BGo) to the Usa with Intercultura – 1st Quarter

Giordano’s story: from Gazzaniga (in the province of Bergamo) to the USA for a year,
with Intercultura and the support of the Pesenti Foundation. 


1st Quarter: 2017, September 

2nd Quarter: 2017, December

3rd Quarter; 2018, March



I would like to thank Intercultura and the Pesenti Foundation for the opportunity they gave me. I have been learning a lot from this experience and every day is a new discovery. Thank you so much again, I’ll be back soon.





Relationships with the host family:
In my new host family I have a father, a mother and two brothers. They welcomed me warmly, they are very friendly and helpful and make me feel right at home. I also met their relatives and they were very warm, too.

Relations with the host community and friends:
At first, I found it difficult to adapt to a new language and a new daily routine. Now everything is becoming more and more familiar to me, I’m more confident and making new friends. Every day I learn something new and meet someone new.

Inclusion and academic achievement with respect to performance and interactions with teachers and peers:
Although the first few days were quite difficult, with the passage of time things have settled down and I have made several friends. Teachers are very friendly and dedicated. As of right now, the only grade I got is an A in maths.

Extracurricular activities:
From August 26th I have been practicing soccer every day, every week. This sport gives me the opportunity to meet and interact with new people off-campus. We are a very close team and I am very happy to be part of it.






Three beautiful things I will never forget:
My host parents’ welcome; the two weekends spent with all my host relatives at Lake James where my host-mum’s parents have a cottage; the enormous joy of having improved the English language that has always been hard for me.

Three nasty things I will never forget:
I have only one thing to say about it: the lack of confidence about properly expressing yourself in a new language, especially during the first days of my exchange.

I would like to thank Intercultura and the Pesenti Foundation for the opportunity they gave me. I have been learning a lot from this experience and every day is a new discovery. Thank you so much again, I’ll be back soon.





 Giordano Tintori

From Bergamo in the USA for a year

with Intercultura and the support of the Pesenti Foundation.



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