The 200 of the FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano

“The 200 of the FAI” project is consistent with the traditional commitment of the Italmobiliare Group – mainly through the Pesenti Foundation – to promote initiatives, projects and actions that could have a positive impact on the cultural and artistic fabric of our communities and contribute to the enhancement of Italy’s cultural heritage, renowned and envied worldwide.





The 200 of the FAI


The 200 of the FAI” are a group of patrons (and their companies or foundations) who support the FAI in its mission to protect, care and enhance the historical, artistic and environmental heritage of our country.

Since 1987, “The 200 of FAI” have contributed to increase the FAI’s recapitalization fund and finance major restoration projects.

Currently, the FAI National Trust for Italy manages 58 properties for conservation, has over 170,000 members and involves millions of citizens in initiatives to raise awareness and promote protection of Italy’s most beloved places. This was also made possible thanks to the contribution of “The 200 of FAI”.




FAI is a non-profit foundation established in 1975, on the model of the British National Trust, with the aim of protecting and enhancing the Italian historical, artistic and landscape heritage.

In line with its mission, FAI’s three main areas of activity are: protection of artistic and naturalistic sites; education and public awareness of the value of historical monuments and landscape; active community mobilization and action to protect endangered environments.




The main aim of the FAI is to look after properties received through donations, legacies, or grants: woods and coasts, parks and gardens, castles and historic houses, villas and abbeys, but also small places of cultural identity value like a historical newsstand or an old town barber shop.



The FAI aims at constantly increasing the number and variety of Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty in Italy, to ensure that every region of the country has its own national heritage sites and that they can play a significant role in local cultural, social and economic vitality.



Photo by Martina Vanzo 2017 Courtesy FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano




The Italian heritage properties, aside from being significant heritage sites, are also community centers that, thanks to a widespread and organized volunteering activity, keep a permanent dialogue with local stakeholders.




FAI devotes ever more attention to the relationships between places and people, organizing large national campaigns to build up awareness around heritage properties normally not accessible to the public throughout Italy, promoting their restoration and offering visitors unique experiences and a rich series of events.




Through its network of volunteers and delegates, every year the FAI organizes a number of events intended to create moments of awareness, stimulate active involvement of citizens and discuss major preservation issues: FAI Spring and Autumn Days, FAI Summer Nights, FAI Winter Days and Places of the Heart. In conjunction with specific activities, aiming to transmit knowledge to young generations, carried out by Faiscuola.




FAI is committed to reducing the environmental impact of its properties and meeting the European standards of excellence.




The FAI National Trust for Italy constantly works and operates so that its assets can self-provide all the necessary ingredients for effective operation, maintenance and development, while having preservation as its primary objective




The FAI partners with institutions and civil society, both at local and national level, to take a prominent position in the public debate on the protection of the environment and the natural/historical/artistic heritage.



The 200 of the FAI

Press Release 



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