The sustainable utopia | Corriere della Sera Foundation and Pesenti Foundation

Wednesday, 30 May 2018 – Pesenti Foundation and Corriere della Sera Foundation presented a conference entitled “The sustainable utopia” with the participation of Maurizio Ferrera, Enrico Giovannini, Giuliano Pisapia and Massimo Sideri.






Maurizio Ferrera
Full Professor of Political Science
University of Milan
Enrico Giovannini
Founder and Spokesman of the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS)
Giuliano Pisapia
Lawyer and former Mayor of Milan
Massimo Sideri
Columnist for the Corriere della Sera
Editor of the Corriere Innovazione

The sustainable utopia by Enrico Giovannini Published by Editori Laterza





The meeting was inspired by the book “The Sustainable Utopia” by Enrico Giovannini – among the speakers of the conference together with Maurizio Ferrera and Giuliano Pisapia – and proposed a reflection on the current development model and on ways to achieve the objectives of the 2030 Agenda set by the UN.


The author states that “To build a better future we need a utopia. A sustainable utopia … Hunger, health, water, poverty, energy, infrastructure, employment, inequality, climate, peace, education are issues that can be taken care of only by integrated thinking and the involvement of political, economic and social forces.

Continuing to think and act the same way we have in the past means to plunge our world into a profound environmental, economic and social crisis. Everyone’s commitment and a profound change in the way we phrase and approach problems is needed.”


What are the requirements and goals of a sustainable utopia? Technology, governance and a change of mentality, as Giovannini suggests, will these be the strategic levers for development?





Piergaetano Marchetti, President of the Corriere della Sera Foundation


Carlo Pesenti, President of the Pesenti Foundation


Massimo Sideri, Columnist for the Corriere della Sera, Editor of the Corriere Innovazione


Giuliano Pisapia, Lawyer and former Mayor of Milan


Maurizio Ferrera, Full Professor of Political Science, University of Milan


Enrico Giovannini Founder and Spokesman of the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS), and author of The sustainable utopia published by Editori Laterza




Re-watch the live streaming of the conference: The sustainable utopia.

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