Robert F. Kennedy Flagship Event for Mediterranean Challenges

The Pesenti Foundation supports the RFK Flagship Initiative for Mediterranean Challenges. The initiative is promoted by Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Italy in coordination with the Presidency of the Italian Council of Ministers and the patronage of the City of Milan.



Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights is a nonprofit organization founded in 1968 by Senator Robert F. Kennedy’s friends and family in Washington working to realize Robert Kennedy’s dream of a more just & peaceful world. In 2004 the Robert F. Kennedy Center, headed by Kerry Kennedy, the seventh child of Senator Robert F. Kennedy, decided to launch in Italy the educational project “Speak Truth To Power” (STTP), a global training to improve people’s understanding on the topic of human rights. Thanks to the great interest shown by various institutions and societies, a year later came the establishment of the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Association Italia.


Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Italia promotes projects and initiatives for the establishment of effective dialogue between the business community and the institutions on migration flows, as regards both the reception and integration modalities and the strengthening of international cooperation.


The Pesenti Foundation is among the partners of the Flagship Event for Mediterranean Challenges project “Social Responsibility for Mediterranean Challenges: the Business Community for Public Policy and Social Innovation”. A meeting aimed at facilitating dialogue between institutions, NGOs and the private sector to implement projects for migrants’ integration.

The event took place on June 20, 2017, from 09.30 to 14.30, at the Steam Factory (Via Giulio Cesare Procaccini, 4). During the day, 10 projects on immigration, integration and cooperation in the Mediterranean rim were presented, promoted by NGOs and Italian associations operating in the sector.


The event was realized in partnership with Eni, the Middle East Directions Program – the Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute (EUI), with the sponsorship of EVIVA, Enel, Poste Italiane, Pesenti Foundation, and the support of UNHCR.



















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