The story of Sara Rota Conti:
from Bergamo to Groveland, FL (USA)
for a year with and the support of
Intercultura and the Pesenti Foundation.
Relationships with the host family:
Relations with the host family does not work out, resulting in several problems regarding the family rules, especially in relation to mobile usage. In order to solve the problem, I will be moved to another family.
Relationships with the host community and friends:
During this first month I met many people, above all I’m making lots of friends at a variety of school clubs and after-class training activities, but also at the youth club I go to with my host sister.
Inclusion and academic achievement with respect to performance and interactions with teachers and peers:
Teachers and classmates are always there to support me, and this is very important for me, since it helps me understand the differences between the Italian and the American school method. It is because of this nice atmosphere that my grades are fine for now.
Extracurricular activities:
Many school clubs and teams are offered to students. I joined astronomy and red riot clubs and a conditioning program for for women soccer players.
Three beautiful things I will never forget:
The school environment is much more welcoming and relaxed. People are culturally diverse and are generally more open and receptive to learning about new traditions.
Three nasty things I will never forget:
US public transportation is pretty lacking apart from in large cities (people use their private car even for short distances); the duration of all the school programs is for 1 year only; and food is mostly canned.