Emma Bonino at Many Faiths 2017

Wednesday 13 September 2017 – Emma Bonino participated in the 2017 edition of “Many Faiths Under the Same Sky”, supported this year again by the Pesenti Foundation, with a speech about “I was a stranger and you welcomed me”. The event took place at the Cinema Conca Verde in Bergamo.



“The Gospel’s provocation resounds today with all its strength. But, in what context does the biblical message reach us? What reactions and resistances does it evoke in us? And above all, how can this provocation be translated in our time? The theme of hospitality cannot be tackled separately from the intense cultural debate that’s going on in our country: it challenges politics for the sake of integration and coexistence.”



Emma Bonino served as the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs between 2013 and 2014. From 2008 to 2013 she served as Vice-Chair of the Italian Senate. She has been Minister for International Trade and European Affairs. Member of the Radical Party since 1975, she enrolled in the Italian Radicals Party and the Transnational and Transparty Nonviolent Radical Party. She was elected to the Italian Chamber of Deputies in 1976 and has served either in the Italian or in the European Parliament continuously since then, except when she was European Commissioner, between 1994 and 1999. During this period, she confronted man-made crises, such as the Balkans. As a member of the European Parliament, she has fought numerous battles for civil rights and is always greatly appreciated for her seriousness and her constructive experience in designing, developing and delivering sustainable projects. She founded the “There Is No Peace Without Justice” Party.








Speech by Emma Bonino at Many Faiths 2017.
Photo courtesy of Clara Mammana



Giorgio Gori, Mayor of Bergamo, during the speech by Emma Bonino at Many Faiths 2017.
Photo courtesy of Clara Mammana



Speech by Emma Bonino at Many Faiths 2017.
Photo courtesy of Clara Mammana


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