Mending and Urban Regeneration for the New Renaissance

Regenerating cities and the territory, beginning with the suburbs: Renzo Piano’s manifesto proposes a new Renaissance.


From examples of cities that have achieved successful regeneration to a reflection on the vital role of innovation in materials and technologies for a new renaissance.


A host of interesting ideas from the Pesenti Foundation congress, with Italy’s Minister for Infrastructure & Transport, Maurizio Lupi, concluding the proceedings.



«Our cities and territory need major redevelopment projects,» explained Giampiero Pesenti, who opened the congress. «Redevelopment that improves urban conditions and the lives of residents, especially in suburbs. Today, we need a range of bold initiatives to recover vast areas of unused or poorly used land, and trigger a virtuous circle to replace buildings that no longer meet acceptable standards of structural safety, energy efficiency, and architectural, urban and social habitability. We have to transform old, degraded residential areas into districts that are more sustainable, more attractive, more habitable, contributing to the economic and social revival of entire cities. Today, innovation in materials and technologies provides us with previously unimaginable solutions, and it is up to us to ensure that everyone benefits from these advances, including, and perhaps above all, people living in our most neglected areas.»



«This issue has deep social implications,» observed Carlo Pesenti. «It concerns the quality of people’s lives, safeguards for our territory, and economic growth. Let’s be clear: value creation is the necessary precondition to enable corporate wealth to be shared. This is an operation where collective interests interweave with corporate interests, for a social and economic Renaissance. Nevertheless, it can only be achieved through a great political-institutional vision fostering sustainable innovation in products and processes.»





A new Renaissance


These were the core considerations at the annual congress of the Foundation, which once again brought together some of the top names in Italian culture to discuss and develop the vision needed to trigger a new Renaissance capable of redeveloping the country’s urban fabric, involving social classes currently in conflict with the urbanization process.


Press release – Mending and urban regeneration Renzo Piano – Intervention
Brochure Fondazione
Invitation and Program (Italian version)Press review (Italian version) 

Program (Italian version)






Emanuela Casti speech (Italian version)

 Michele Molè, Palazzo Italia, utopie concrete (Italian version)

Giampiero Pesenti speech (Italian version)

Maurizio Lupi speech (Italian version)

Carlo Pesenti speech (Italian version)

Round table (first part – Italian version)

Round table (second part – Italian version)

Round Table (third part – Italian version)

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