We wish to thank all the people, companies and associations joining us in the common effort to help refugees and bring concrete support in this humanitarian emergency.
Sharing the worldwide dismay at the worsening Ukraine humanitarian emergency, the Pesenti Foundation responded to the UNHCR’s appeal to companies, foundations and philanthropists.
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people.
UNHCR has been working in Ukraine since 1994, alongside local authorities, partners and community organizations to deliver protection and humanitarian assistance to people in need and remains on the ground, in the neighbouring countries to protect and assist people forced to flee. The overall impact of the ongoing humanitarian crisis is not yet clear, but it is clear that it has massive dimensions: more than 5.6 million individual refugees from Ukraine recorded across Europe since 24 February and more than 7.1 million people are estimated to be internally displaced in Ukraine.
In line with the extraordinary commitment – alongside local authorities – throughout the pandemic emergency over the last two years, the Pesenti Foundation launched a successful fundraising campaign, raising more than 380,000.00 euros and involving 170 employees and 20 companies within Italmobiliare Group and all its Portfolio Companies.
The most significant donation of € 300,000.00 was given to UNHCR, after an alignment with the United Nations High Commissioner, to provide concrete help to the most affected territories.
Minor but high-impact contributions were also provided to associations such as the Italian Red Cross (€ 2,000.00) and the Fiorenzo Fratini Foundation (€ 10,000.00). The Fiorenzo Fratini Foundation collected and sent basic necessities – such as water, blankets, disinfectants, first aid, etc. – to the borders of Poland and then to Lviv, where they were sorted and distributed to nearby cities. Particular attention was also paid to children, the most vulnerable victims of the conflict due to many factors.
A donation of € 20,000.00 was also provided to the Polska Akcja Humatarna (Polish Humanitarian Action) which has been operating in Ukraine since 2015 with a permanent mission. Its earliest activities were an immediate response to the crisis providing medical assistance and delivering food baskets, hygiene kits, blankets, sleeping bags and other bare necessities. Its top priority is to lend support to the most vulnerable groups (elderly people, women, and children) who were reached thanks to the co-operation with local partners. Polska Akcja Humatarna provides lawyer counseling, social counseling, career mentoring, vocational courses, open meetings on entrepreneurship and psychological consultation.
Also important is the contribution of € 33,146.00 to Caritas Bergamo to supply basic necessities to local Churches, pastoral and humanitarian organizations and to support Caritas staff and volunteers throughout eastern Europe who are working tirelessly to go out and meet thousands of refugees fleeing Ukraine.
Finally, the Pesenti Foundation donated € 10,000.00 on the occasion of the fundraising promoted by Vidas, to support the Casa Sollievo and the activities of the Ukrainian Association of Children’s Palliative Care.
Donations can be made by bank transfer using the following bank details:
Iban: IT67B0306911166100000009574
Via S. Bernardino, 149/A
24126 Bergamo
Reason for payment: Donation for the Ukraine emergency (IMPORTANT: if you wish to receive the receipt please send an email to segreteria@fondazionepesenti.it with your data: name, surname, address of residence).
REPORTING OF THE FUNDS ALLOCATED FOR THE EMERGENCY, July 28, 2022 (click on the tables to download the PDF)
Pdf – UNHCR’s appeal to companies, foundations and philanthropists (IT).