Wednesday 8 November 2017 – Nando Pagnoncelli, Presidentof IPSOS Italia, and journalist Federico Fubini made a description of Italians talking about “OPINIONS AND MEDIA all around Europe”.
The talk was part of “Many Faiths Under the Same Sky. Blessed are the Builders” 2017 edition, with the support of the Pesenti Foundation and took place at the Mascheroni High School Auditorium in Bergamo.
“To understand how much of what is said, and repeated, about Europe in the streets, in the press or on social networks, is sourced from credible data based on serious and methodical investigations and on well-conducted, committed and freely critical journalistic inquiries.
To avoid a communication overflow, while ensuring reliable and critically-balanced information on the Europe where we live today and where we build our tomorrow.”
Nando Pagnoncelli is President of Ipsos Italy, a market, social and opinion research agency. He’s been professor of Public Opinion Studies at the Catholic University of Milan and Scientific Director of the Political Communication Courses at the Carlo Bo University of Urbino. He also collaborates both with Giovanni Floris on his TV program and with Corriere della Sera Italian daily newspaper.
Federico Fubini is a deputy editor-in-chief at Italy’s Corriere della Sera, where he covers economy and finance. In his articles, Fubini describes the contemporary economic situation, while in his books he tells the stories and depicts the lives of those who come to grips with economic crises. Fubini uses these stories to show how people deal with an evolving globalized society and find the courage to pursue their own personal revolution. He is the award-winning author of several books, among which “Noi siamo la rivoluzione” (2012) e “La maestra e la camorrista” (2018). L'Eco di Bergamo