The Diaries and Agendas of Angelo Roncalli

On the occasion of Pope John XXIII canonization, the Foundation contributed to the distribution of the National Edition of John XXIII’s Diaries and Agendas – a work of great historical and human value edited by the Religious Science Foundation of Bologna – in major international libraries and apostolic nunciatures.



The ten volumes of Pope John XXIII’s Diaries and Agendas are an essential guide to the human and spiritual profile of Pope Roncalli.


“Providence took me from my native village and made me travel along the roads of this world in the East and in the West, bringing me into touch with people of different religions and ideologies, at grips with social problems which are acute and menacing, and meanwhile preserved my serenity, a balanced judgment, and a spirit of enquiry. I was always engaged, naturally, with fidelity to the principles of Catholic belief and moral teaching, more with what unites men than with what divides them and provokes conflicts.”


In this short abstract, a synthesis of life, a declaration of humility, but above all a simple but clear statement of his scale of values, where human and Christian solidarity would always prevail in his action and where solving conflicts and divergences through mutual understanding was his perennial choice.


Episcopal Diocese 




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